LLCs end of year proceeding

Aus Wiki

There are several things to be done from one year to the other as an LLC company. Here is an overview how to proceed. Before end of year:

  • pay 13th wage (Can be done for myself by means of reducing debts. This means no physical transfer.)
  • Bookkeeping:
  • Finish the bookkeeping year. E.g. add the amortisation entries etc.
  • Creat next bookkeeping year. Add default entries etc.
  • Calculate the 'Bruttolohn' by means of 'Bruttolohnberechnung.ods'
  • Update 'Bruttolohn' on Zurich Partnerweb. (The amounts can only be adjusted 12 months back!)

Until mid of January:

  • Notify 'Bruttolohn' to:
  • AKSO: Go to AKSO Partnerweb enter the wages, save and print file
  • Zurich UVG (Unfallversicherung), KTG (Krankentaggeld) and BVG (Pensionskasse). If your settings in the web interface are correct this step can be left out.
  • Then:
  • Create 'Lohnausweis' by means of tool 'eLohnausweisSSK', send it in, pass to employees and one for the registry.

End of February:

  • pass over VAT-declaration ('Mehrwertsteuer-Abrechnung')
  • request payback of 'Verrechnungssteuer' (at least every 3 years)


  • Let your 'Jahresabschluss' be checked by another company (villiger treuhand)
  • Tax declaration ('Steuererklärung')

For this export bookkeeping as pdf as described here: /Documents/neshendra/Banana/AnleitungNeshendra.odt and pass over following documents:

  • salaries list as sent to pensions institution ('vita')
  • document about 'Kranken-Lohnausfall'
  • document about 'UVG-Unfallversicherung'
  • 'Buchhaltungsabschluss
  • VAT-declarations
  • end-of-year balances of bank account(s) ('Zinsabschluss')
  • 'Lohnmeldung' to AKSO
  • 'Lohnausweis'
  • tax declaration