Java WebStart

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Java WebStart is a good way deploying Java applications to all different operating systems.

Code Certificate recommended / required

Drawback is that the code to be deployed needs be signed which can be costly and cumbersome. Java 7 even states in a future version the code even must be signed by a well-known certificate authority (CA). Do mind that the supported CAs may differ from the ones supported in the major internet browsers. To see the supported CAs have a look:

Edit, Preferences, Advanced, Encription, View Certificates
(On Ubuntu:) System, Preferences, Oracle Java 7 Plugin Control Panel, Security, Manage Certificates..., Signer CA, System.

To select the CA of your choice you have to pay attention that you need an Code Signing Certificate, an SSL certificate most probably wouldn't work! In my case I couldn't use my StartCom-SSL-certificate (see wisdomoverfolly-Blog).

Due to this is I ordered a certificate at KSoftware.

When ordering the certificate make sure that the owner of the set URL (check with Whois) is the owner of the code certificate. Furthermore I had to pass over some bills for the URL, bank account and passport. After that they will phone you check your phone number / personal identity. After that they send you an email with link and code. With this your certificate will automatically installed into your internet browser. Your part is then to backup the certificate (containing the private and public key) to a place of your choice. The file format is PKCS (*.p12).


Help on writing the JNLP:

  • Oracle Docs
  • The Eclipse Plugin WS4E did not work for Eclipse Indigo (see [1]). I expect it to be outdated...
  • You can sign your JNLP-file as well by adding it into your (main) jar following the guide here.
  • JNLP Tag Reference Do mind that starting from around Java 1.6 the attribute codebase is no longer mandatory.
  • You can use Janela to check your JNLP file. (Might give you some hints.)

Signing your jars

See keystore commands for an overview of useful keytool commands. Here off. keystore documentation.